You’re just seconds away from essential lessons, activities, and support you need to improve the performance as well as the health and wellbeing of your student athletes.
Stop me if any of this sounds familiar

You know the importance of nutrition but you don’t have time or expertise to put together a good lesson plan, not to mention several lessons.

Your current health curriculum has a few nutrition lessons, but they only scratch the surface and don’t address what you’re looking for.

You’ve researched sports nutrition curriculums, but they are either really pricey or free and provide no real value.

You’d like the guidance and support from a nutrition expert, but it doesn’t fit in your budget.
If it does, then you already know how overwhelming it can be trying to find quality nutrition advice & support.
All of that is what inspired me to build this course
Student athletes have unique nutrition needs and it’s time for those needs to be addressed, because I believe every student and athlete should have the chance to be the best version of themselves.

No sleazy marketing. I will only promise what I can deliver.

No boring, overly technical lectures. My method has always been Keep is Super Simple with bite sized lessons that are easy to digest.

No empty promises. I know what it takes to be successful in reaching nutrition goals and that work lies in the hands of the athlete.
Thankfully, you don’t have to worry about any of that.
The Virtual Training Table is the only nutrition course of its kind.
It’s more than just sports nutrition.
It’s packed with in-depth, practical training and resources on all aspects of food, nutrition, and health for all students and athletes.
PLUS with a growing community, there will be an additional level of support to ensure your student athlete reaches his/her full potential.

Eliminate the guesswork of throwing together a nutrition lesson by following a step by step roadmap.

Tap into the collective knowledge & experience of a Registered Dietitian for support.

Model and reinforce positive health behaviors by improving your own eating habits.

Save time and frustration because the tech side of a virtual classroom is done.

Engage and involve students in the class with assignments to encourage behavior change.

Build the student athlete’s confidence by helping them apply what they learned.

In depth lessons
But short & to the point.

Utilize what you need.

100% online
Access anywhere, anytime.

Bite-sized lessons
To avoid information overload.

On-going support
I’m not gonna leave ya hangin’!

Practiced based
Change students behaviors with action.
Meet the Nutrition Lady…
Hi, I’m Angie Katzberg - otherwise known as "The Nutrition Lady" - and I’ve spent years guiding people of all ages to change their eating habits for the better.
With almost 20 years in the food and nutrition industry, I’ve been privileged to share my knowledge in diverse settings. From hospitals to communities, from weight loss to diabetes, I’ve been helping the young to the old make small changes to their eating habits for better, lasting health.
In 2019 I decided to take all of my knowledge and experience and use it to help teachers and coaches just like you by creating a nutrition program for student athletes, and so the The Virtual Training Table was created. I am seriously loving spending my days creating lessons and supporting athletes.

“Angie is a great person who has the open mind to learn about all of our student-athletes needs and want’s. Her ability to come up with ideas on how to increase their knowledge of nutrition has been impressive. In the short time we have worked with Angie we have seen results with our athlete’s. The struggle we have at Hastings College is reaching a wide range of athletes on a limited budget. That is why we are excited about the Virtual Training Table.”
Brett Wells
Hastings College - Director of Human Performance

Follow the athlete roadmap, my step-by-step guide taking an average athlete to an elite athlete using good nutrition.

30 in-depth lessons covering essential athlete nutrition. You can pick and choose and use what you need at the moment.

Take advantage of the additional learning tools to drive interaction and eventually change behaviors for a healthy lifestyle.

Deep-dive masterclasses from leading experts and influencers to provide in-depth insights on specific tactics and strategies.

I have 30+ lessons for you to dive into before school actually starts and familiarize yourself with the course. You’ll have access to the full roadmap or utilize what you need, when you need it.
Learn what you need, when you need to, from wherever you want.
In an effort to drive home what the student athlete learned in the lesson, I have provided opportunities to reinforce skills and promote positive health behavior change.
Utilize all the resources to personalize information and engage students.

“Angie has designed a product that is quick and easy to use. The videos are short, simple and to the point and help students slowly build their nutritional knowledge. Strength or sport coaches can easily show these videos at the end of a training session and use the handouts for another information source for students and parents. I would highly recommend this product if your program or your school is looking for the competitive edge.”
Amber Burson
Athletic Trainer/Strength and Conditioning Coordinator/ Teacher
Lexington High School
Lexington, NE
“The curriculum and site are very user friendly. The program is broken down into flexible lessons that tie into our existing standards for high school student/athletes. The lessons are short yet effective and to the point.”
Cody Gamble
K-12 Physical Education
Leyton Public Schools
Leyton, NE
Get Access to The Virtual Training Table
If you're ready to take your student athlete to the next level by enrolling in the Virtual Training Table, simply choose your school option below and click the button to get started…
Not sure if The Virtual Training Table is right for you?
Who the Training Table is for
Who the Training Table is NOT for
✅ High school PE, Health, or Family and Consumer Science Teachers who want to better leverage their time with done for you lesson plans, while helping more students improve their eating habits and overall health.
✅ Small colleges and universities that don't have the budget for a large sports nutrition program.
✅Athletic Directors, as well as Sport Coaches, Club Sports, Strength coaches, and Athletic Trainers, either high school or college level, who believe in the power of good nutrition and want to take their athlete to the next level.
✅ Action takers who aren’t just going to watch some training videos and never implement. I provide the training and resources, but you still need to ensure your athletes do the work!
❌ This course is specifically not for non-student athletes or non-athletic staff, of small colleges and universities.
❌ Anyone looking for an easy out or not willing to dedicate time to the lessons and activities and their athletes. Changing eating habits can be hard and take time and patience..
❌ Someone who is not very tech savvy. Although I feel the system is user friendly, it is 100% online and thus needs some background knowledge or who has someone who can help.
❌ People expecting guaranteed results with their athletes - I know what I teach works (because I use many of the principles myself) but I can’t guarantee specific results from following my advice. I hate to break it to you, but no one can make that promise!
It might seem strange, me trying to talk you OUT of buying - but truly if the Training Table is not the right fit then neither of us benefit. I have a vested interest in your success (you won’t stick around long if I’m not helping, right?) - and that all starts by making sure the Training Table is right for you before you buy..
What Student Athletes are saying about the course
"I liked that the lessons were just once a week, making it not feel so overwhelming. I also liked that you provided lists of smart foods. I learned that carbs are beneficial to athletes.”
Ali Smith
Sophomore, Women’s Basketball, Hastings College
"I liked the handouts a lot. They make the most important information from the videos easy to access. You hit a lot of big topics, and I think you made it clear that if anyone needed more help or wanted more in depth information that you were always available."
Junior, Women's Basketball Hastings College
"I learned what to eat, when, and how much."
Gracen Hutchinson
Freshmen, Volleyball, Hastings College
"I liked the helpful hints that directly influence us as student-athletes. More than learning about the specific science, I enjoyed it when there were suggestions to take back and apply to life as a student-athlete. I also really appreciated how Angie was constantly asking for feedback so that the student felt like they had an influence on what was discussed."”
Julia Reimer
Sophomore, Softball, Hastings College
Will athletes have the opportunity to work one on one with you?
Will you make a meal plan?
Why do I have to pay for this each year?
How accessible is the course?
What are the differences between the high school and collegiate edition?
Is the course evidence based?
I can’t decide if this is right for me. Can I purchase the course later?
I’m with a college. Once I purchase, how do I enroll the athletes?
What happens after I purchase?
How many lessons are in the Roadmap?
How long are the lessons?
I’m a high school teacher and I think it’s important to involve the parents. Do you offer anything that involve parents?
If there's anything at all that you're not certain about, anything I haven't made clear (which is very possible); any concerns or questions then please do contact me at [email protected] and I'll help you out.
Get Access to The Virtual Training Table
If you're ready to take your student athlete to the next level by enrolling in the Virtual Training Table, simply choose your school option below and click the button to get started…